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Galloping Mind - Preschool Baby Learns About Computers

Galloping Minds

Preschool Baby Learns About Computers Tubby in Computer World

Age Range
Creative Product
Electronic Product
Educational Skills Product

Preschool Baby Learns About Computers - Tubby in Computer World. Tubby, the Teddy and his friend Choko, discover great things about a computer with their friends Col. Douglas and Enigma in the toy room. They learn about the different parts of a computer like the monitor, keyboard, mouse and cdrom drive. They browse the internet to learn about NASA and the days in a week. Tubby and his friends play games, learn history, geography and science while using a computer.

Besides learning about computers, Tubby and his friends learn about geysers, lava and waterfalls. They visit the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore and an Egyptian Chamber. Tubby and his friends also watch a real space shuttle being launched at NASA. Set to both classical music and many children's favorites, Preschool Baby Learns About Computers is a great first step towards introducing computers to young children. Viewing Time: approx 30 min


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