Mind Expanse / Mind Expanse Baby: Discovering Colors

Mind Expanse

Mind Expanse Baby: Discovering Colors

Age Range
1-36 m
Educational Skills Product

This handbook is designed for parents, grandparents, day-care providers and preschool teachers. It presents information about how to help young children learn more effectively. The handbook explains why a child's participation- or "action"- is critical in learning all information. It is the action, or partaking in learning that allows the brain to spring into action when called upon. The more information stored in the brain, the more actions, or options, the child can draw upon in critical thinking. Color learning is one example of the power of early learning. The Technique for Interactive Color Learning is for children under the age of one and can be modified for children age one and older. Caretakers use specific teaching aids to implement this method. This is a helpful guide that includes information about psychology, cognition, parenting and education.

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