Dr. Toy's Best Children's Vacation Products - 2005

Dr. Toy's Best Children's Vacation Products - 2005

Summer is a great time to explore many different activities at home, either indoors or outdoors. And it is also a grand time to explore nature in any of its forms.

The products Dr. Toy has selected provide children with experiences to help them learn during the summertime. There are great products to take along and use on a trip, and to explore once you arrive at your destination. There are also products that will give children plenty of things to do if you're staying at home.

Summertime should be about fun and learning, testing limits and developing new skills. These products provide children with creative activities. They will stimulate them with a whole range of new skills. Summertime learning can include getting a jump start on learning phonics, reading new books, or playing math or strategy games, as well as having fun from all kinds of great activities.

There is something for everyone in this vast array of products. All of the companies selected have provided their best possible offerings. This summer will be about fun, exploration, and gaining new confidence.

We would like to hear from you about the experiences your child has with any of these products. We expect they will provide fun and learning, relaxation and stimulation, and a chance to test out all aspects of your child's abilities. HAVE A GREAT TIME!

For additional advice on play and toy selection, read the latest version of Dr. Toy's Smart Play, Smart Toy.

Tell Dr. Toy about any questions you have about play and toys. Thanks for telling others you learned about these products from Dr. Toy's award programs.

Let's play!

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