Winning Moves Games / Pass the Pigs

Winning Moves Games

Pass the Pigs

7 - 12
Board Game
Travel Toy

This game is fun for everyone. First introduced in 1977 it has become a favorite around the world and in different versions. Winning Moves offers a basic and Deluxe set. This is a great social and travel games for children and adults. Jeff Bridges, the actor enjoys saying "Pigs is great!" Tobey Maquire and many other noted actors also enjoy playing the game. The object of this game is to be the first player who rolls a total of 100 points or the player with the most points if no one has reached 100 points by the end of the game. Follow the steps to play the game. The pigs land a certain way giving you a score for that roll. See the scoring table on the game page for all possible rolls. If you roll a "Pig Out" your turn is over and you lose all your points for that turn. If you roll an "Oinker" you lose all of your points, including any accrued from previous turns. If a player accumulates 100 points before the 10th round, all other players are allowed to finish out that round before the winner is declared. The set contains two little pigs, scorepads and pencils.

This game was invented by David Moffat in 1977. He has enjoyed bringing the concept of this unique game to players of all ages around the world. Winning moves has been the distributor of the game since the late 1990's and enjoys knowing the game continues to be a best seller.

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