New Hope Records / My Day/In Motion & Play

New Hope Records

My Day/In Motion & Play

Age Range:
2 - 8
Intro Year:
Toy Types:
Compact Disc
Creative Product
Educational Skills Product

This new collection of music from New Hope Records is sure to please. It is a collection from award winner Bobby Susser, of thirteen easy to learn songs and physical activities that will help your child develop fine and gross motor skills, listening skills, coordination, a sense of rhythm, and imagination. It introduces children to the sequence of time within a day, good health habits, an enthusiastic feeling for school, making decisions and a time to wind down. Songs include: "Good Morning, Good Morning!" "Don't Forget To Exercise," "Use Your Imagination," "What Do You Think You'd Want To Be?" and more. All of this encourages young children to look forward to each day, helps them learn and welcome their responsibilities and develops a daily routine which gives them a feeling of independence and achievement. Songs and activities include greeting the morning, good eating habits, going to school, imagination and rest time. Putting the concepts of these songs and activities in motion will help prepare and lead your child toward a responsible, independent, satisfying and enjoyable life.

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