Golden Books Ent. Road to Reading
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Golden Books Ent.

Road to Reading

Educational Skills Product

The Road to Reading program features a complete literacy program with five distinct levels. It helps children to be successful readers. Designed without specific age or grade levels children can advance at their own pace. This assists them with increased self-esteem and confidence as they develop important communication skills. These books are filled with engaging stories including Richard Scary. Children begin with easy words, big type and clues, and continue as each step grows more complex. The narrations are well done. The program is divided by Mile 1 getting started, for children who know the alphabet and want to begin reading. Mile 2 reading with help, for children who recognize some words and sound out. Mile 3 reading on your own, for children who are ready to read by themselves. Mile 4 first chapter books, for children who want to read chapter books, Mile 5 chapter books for chilren who can read independently. These books can be taken along easily on a trip. They are color-coded, easy to keep clean, and fit perfectly into a travel bag.

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